An EU-wide project of ECHA’s Enforcement Forum found that 35 % of the checked safety data sheets (SDS) were non-compliant. Compliance has improved compared to earlier enforcement projects, but more efforts are needed to further enhance the quality of information to...
BASF completes the certification program International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS at its production site in Lemförde, Germany to produce biomass-balanced thermoplastic polyurethanes. Also, the annual recertification according to REDcert2 was...
Adient, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), and Dow have worked together to produce seat foam for the luxury car manufacturer’s vehicles using closed-loop recycled components. This represents an industry-first in the automotive sector, heading towards a circular economy and a...
Nordmann and American multinational Ingevity are expanding their partnership to supply Capa® polyols in several additional European countries. From the beginning of November, Nordmann will be distributing Capa products not only in the DACH region, the Nordic countries...
In less than four months, JEC World will open its doors to its new session, a celebration session. Well known worldwide as the leading trade exhibition for composite materials and their applications, this 60th session promises to be the only hub for business,...